Urban regeneration
A’ Ciambra

The "A Ciambra" project is an ambitious urban redevelopment and regeneration project in the Municipality of Gioia Tauro, located in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria. This area, in Via Ciambra, is now characterized by housing and social decay, located on the southern outskirts of the city and isolated due to the orography of the terrain and infrastructural deficiencies. Our goal was to transform this area into a modern residential complex, significantly improving the quality of life for residents and promoting social inclusion.
We wanted to create an open, livable and fully integrated place where architecture is the trait d'union between the social, cultural and environmental dimensions. We envisioned the intervention as an opportunity for urban and environmental redevelopment, and as a means of fostering social interaction in a multi-residential neighborhood with neighborhood amenities. Our timely and sustainable architectural design is intended to provide new opportunities for the community, transforming the area into a place for meeting and sharing.
From a formal point of view, we worked on the openness to the surrounding landscape, declined through a game of addition and subtraction of volumes. This approach resulted in a "module" that generates openings and crossing episodes on all planes of the intervention, creating a dynamic and articulated facade. The architectural composition offers visual glimpses toward the landscape context and the central promenade, providing different views of an inclusive cross-section of urban life.
For us, the "A Ciambra" project is more than just a social housing intervention; it is an opportunity to create a new beginning for the Gioia Tauro community. We want this new residential reality to be an example of how architecture can act as a catalyst for social change, improving the living conditions of residents and strengthening their sense of belonging to a vibrant and inclusive community.

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